Rotodur hardmetal tools are manufactured using state-of-the-art technologies and equipment.
with interior and exterior thread
Since almost 30 years, we have been manufacturing raw materials into customized hardmetal tools.
We are committed to producing hardmetal blanks in our own sintering facility and manufacturing them into customized high-grade hardmetal products.
Our large range of hardmetals is most efficiently used wherever minimum wear or well-balanced combinations between hardness and rigidity are required.
Customers worldwide have confidence in our expertise in construction, materials selection, production technology und reproducibility. We are proud that our products are widely used in variety of industrial applications.
for a variety of applications, from the mould making sector to the glass industry. Our high-grade products are used in the following industries:
Get to know Rotodur. Located at two sites in Switzerland with 35 skilled specialists, we manufacture components in the micro-range.
How to find us.
Hartmetall-Produkte können angewendet werden zum Drehen, Stechdrehen, Fräsen und Bohren wie auch für viele Umformverfahren mit Matrizen und Stempeln sowie verschiedene individuelle Arbeitsschritte: im Formen- und Werkzeugbau, bei der Herstellung von Halbzeug, Vorrichtungen, Mess- und Bearbeitungswerkzeugen.
Eingesetzt werden Hartmetall-Werkzeuge in den verschiedensten Branchen: Grafische und Chemische Industrie, Textil-, Rüstungs-, Holz- und Glasindustrie.